Nature: acrid, sweet, (maybe bitter), neutral
Enters: Spleen, Stomach, Lung
Actions: Descends the Lung Qi; resolves phlegm; promotes digestion, eliminates food retention; slight function to promote bowel movement.
• Food retention: bloating, fullness, distended epigastrium and abdomen, belching with fetid odor, acid regurgitation, abdominal pain, or diarrhea with hesitant elimination.
• Food retention leading to dampness/phlegm in the Lungs: coughing, wheezing.
• Lung phlegm accumulation: cough with copious sputum.
• The raw form is used for food stagnation.
• The dry-fried form is used for productive coughs.
• The fried form is used for promoting bowel movement.
• Antimicrobial, antifungal properties.
• Reduces serum triglycerides.
• Compared to Su zi and Bai jie zi: All are capable of transforming phlegm, regulating the Qi, and alleviating wheezing. However, Bai jie zi warms the Lung Qi, Lai fu zi disperses the Lung Qi, and Su zi descends the Lung Qi.
JTCM: For abdominal distention after surgery: fry 200g Lai fu zi, grind to a powder, wrap in cloth or a tea bag, heat it, and apply it to the navel until the distention abates (can also apply a TDP lamp to keep the bag hot).
• For eczema and prevention of viral and fungal growths: fry the herb for 30 minutes, let it cool, grind it to a powder, mix it with vinegar, and apply it topically once a day.
PLB: For respiratory conditions with phlegm (allergies, asthma, etc.) which are exacerbated by food sensitivities.
Hsu: Antibacterial, antifungal, stomachic, expectorant.
Dose: 6-12g