Nature: acrid, bitter, warm, toxic
Enters: Heart, Liver, Stomach
Topical Actions: Eliminates toxicity; kills parasites.
Topical Indications:
• Carbuncles, snake bites, scabies, ringworm, damp rashes, abscesses, suppurative inflammation of the soft tissue, ulcerations.
• Very commonly used in soaks for any skin itching.
• As a paste for neurodermatitis/shingles.
• Because it is absorbed through the skin, the herb should not be applied to large areas.
Internal Actions: Kills worms; dries dampness; expels phlegm; checks malarial conditions.
Internal Indications:
• Worm parasitism in the intestines: pain – especially for roundworms, and particularly with signs of accumulation.
• Dampness/phlegm accumulation: wheezing; seizures; malarial conditions.
• Do not calcine. Calcination produces the extremely toxic As2O3.
Internal Dose: 0.15-0.6g in pills and powders