Sang Ji Sheng – Mistletoe (parasitizing Morus) – Viscum/Taxillus or Loranthus – “Mulberry Parasite”

Nature: bitter, neutral

Enters: Liver, Kidney

Actions: Tonifies the liver and kidneys; strengthens the tendons and bones; expels wind and dampness; nourishes blood; calms the fetus/womb; benefits the skin.

• Liver and kidney Yin deficiency (with or without wind-damp): soreness and pain in the lower back and knees, joint problems, numbness, weakness and atrophy of the sinews and bones.
• Wind-dampness: Bi syndrome with some lumbar region and knees.
• Restless fetus, uterine bleeding, threatened miscarriage in pregnancy.
• Blood deficiency: dry, scaly skin.
• Hypertension.
• Diuretic component.
• Wine-fry the herb to strengthen its ability to expel wind-dampness.
Dr. Wei Li (Portland, Oregon): Drunk alone as tea by elderly in China, “Tonifies everything.”
Michael & Leslie Tierra: Versatile for back and joint pains, stiffness from various causes, especially for those who develop gradual stiffness and aching pain of the lower back with difficulty bending at waist.
Hong-Yen Hsu (Oriental Materia Medica): Lowers serum cholesterol, diuretic, antibacterial, pronounced antiviral.
Rudolf Weiss (Herbal Medicine): (host not specified)
• Hypertension: parasympathetic stimulant, vasodilator.
Definite benefit in hypertension, however, “oral use cannot provide effective treatment for arterial hypertension, nor can too much be expected as regards reduction in blood pressure, and certainly no lasting effect… yet practitioners and patients repeatedly find it has excellent subjective effects on headaches, dizziness, loss of energy, irritability and other symptoms connected with hypertension…” No unpleasant side effects, non-toxic in usual dosage, gentle, good for extended treatment of slightly or moderately raised blood pressure, which will go down in the course of treatment. Ideal treatment for blood pressure of about 160/100. Best prepared as a cold water extract: pour 1/4 liter cold water over 2-4 teaspoons chopped herb, let stand overnight and drink in morning. prepare another cup to be drunk at night.
Patients are very fond of this three herb blend: equal parts mistletoe, (Western) hawthorn flowers and leaves (to improve coronary circulation), melissa (lemon balm) leaves (as a cardiac sedative). Take 1 cup morning and night, prepared by infusing 2 teaspoons of the mixture for 5-10 minutes, taken in sips while still warm. May be sweetened with honey.
• Cancer: extensive literature available on commercial extracts (e.g. Iscador). Unlike cytostatic drugs, mistletoe extracts are non-toxic, well tolerated. Reported to reduce tumor size and improve patients’ general condition. Used mainly after surgery and radiation.
• Arthritis: mistletoe preparations (e.g. Plenosol) are injected into the joint.
PCBDP: Cardiac tonic; antineoplastic (binds to DNA, inhibits protein synthesis).
For various cancers (including lung, ovary).
JC: Nervine, antispasmodic, tonic, slight narcotic, diuretic, emmenagogue, emetic.
• Used in all problems caused by weakness of or a disordered state of the nervous system. Quiets, soothes, and tones the nerves, lessens cerebral excitement, helps febrile conditions.
• Useful in weakness of female generative organs, incites uterine contractions.
• Gives tone in cardiac affections. possesses non-injurious properties.
• For hysteria, epilepsy, uterine hemorrhages, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, heart troubles (especially in typhoid fever), hypertension, convulsions, delirium, nervous debility, fits, nervousness, chorea (St. Vitus’ Dance), cardiac edema, cholera.

Dose: 9-60g

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