Nature: acrid, warm
Enters: Liver, Spleen
Actions: Promotes urination; eliminates toxicity; eliminates wind-dampness; dispels obstructions from the channels and collaterals.
• Wind-damp: Bi syndrome with numbness of the skin.
• Accumulation of damp and harmful body fluids: edema.
• Heat-toxicity: carbuncles.
Wiki: Sinomenine or Cocculine is an alkaloid found in the root of the climbing plant Sinomenium acutum which is native to Japan and China. It is traditionally used in herbal medicine in these countries, as a treatment for rheumatism and arthritis.[1] However its analgesic action against other kinds of pain is limited. Sinomenine is a morphinan derivative, related to opioids such as levorphanol and the non-opioid cough suppressant dextromethorphan. Its anti-rheumatic effects are thought to be primarily mediated via release of histamine,[2] but other effects such as inhibition of prostaglandin, leukotriene and nitric oxide synthesis may also be involved.[3]
Hsu: Analgesic (increases pain threshold), tranquilizer, antitussive (one constituent is similar to codeine), hypotensive – fast acting and long lasting, antiphlogistic.
Dose: 10-15g
Hello, it says the dose is 10-15 g. Is that 10-15 grams of dried stems made into a decoction ? Simmered for a bit on stove and drank? Was hoping to use this plant for opioid withdrawal.
That’s correct. 10-15 grams per day. Generally brought to a boil, then covered and reduced to a simmer and simmered on low for about 40 minutes, then strained and divided into 2 or 3 doses consumed over the course of the day. I am not sure this plant alone is going to do that for you, but good luck.