Nature: acrid, neutral
Enters: Spleen, Stomach
Actions: Transforms dampness; clears summer-heat; releases the exterior and transforms turbidity.
• Damp accumulation in the middle Jiao: distention in the epigastrium and abdomen, poor appetite, nausea, weakness, lethargy, vomiting, stifling sensation in the chest, white, moist tongue coat.
• Summer-heat with dampness: fever, aversion to cold, headache, distended epigastrium, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
• Spleen damp-heat: sweet, sticky taste in the mouth, copious saliva, foul breath.
• Early-stage of damp warm-febrile diseases.
• Topical: as powder on a sweaty, sour, smelly scalp (the synonym Xing tou cao relates to this use).
• Does not lead to dryness.
• Much weaker than Huo xiang at releasing exterior syndromes.
Hsu: Antiviral, antipyretic, stomachic, diuretic.
DY: With Huo xiang to effectively transform dampness and turbidity, harmonize the middle burner, stop vomiting, eliminate summer-heat (and dampness), and stop diarrhea. For specific indications and notes, see Huo xiang in this category.
• Pei lan is more powerful than Huo xiang for transforming turbid dampness. In addition, it clears dampness which has transformed into heat and treats spleen pure heat. (“Spleen pure heat” refers to a rising upward of turbid Qi towards the mouth due to spleen heat generated by an excess of fatty and sweet foods. It is accompanied by a sticky, thick feeling in the mouth, a sugary taste in the mouth, abundant salivation, thick, slimy tongue coat, and a slippery pulse.)
Dose: 4.5-9g