Nature: acrid, bitter, cold, toxic
Enters: Lung, Kidney, Large Intestine, Small Intestine
Actions: Drives out harmful fluid by promoting bowel movement and urination; dispels accumulation; expels phlegm and fluids; expels intestinal parasites, reduces food stagnation.
• Heat accumulation in the stomach or intestines: severe constipation, abdominal distention, urinary difficulty, leg edema.
• Damp-heat accumulation in the stomach and intestines: constipation. (Lower dosage for this indication than the previous indications.)
• Fluid congestion obstructing the Lungs: cough, wheezing, fullness in the chest and abdomen.
• Roundworm or tapeworm infestation.
• Food stagnation.
• Dry-fry the herb for a milder effect.
• Contains d-lysergic acid amide, similar hallucinogenic effect to LSD in large doses.
MLT: Mildest herb in this category.
Dose: 4.5-9g (or 1.5-3g alone as powder)